Otherwise it is generally hard to grow outdoor flowers inside.
There are many good houseplants to choose from, you just need to check on your light conditions to determine what plants will be best.
In my opinion, plants are a wonderful addition to any room, they help to clean the air of toxins and give oxygen back.
There are many herbs you can grow indoors depending on the conditions and they smell great too.
Good luck.
Reply:huh? tulips and daffodills aren%26#039;t vines.
a fuscia might be nice as it has flowers (if your room gets a lot of sun. Otherwise choose non-flowering greens or purples. Some people are alergic to flowers and some flowers need bees and butterflies. But heat rises and you%26#039;ll need to water accordingly and not on humid days. If you don%26#039;t have time to fuss with this why not get faux flowering vines.
Reply:i wouldnt put them in my room but if you want i guess you%26#039;ll make a pretty exciting room puting that plant in there but remember it grows very big and it will end up covering your whole room sooner or later
Reply:Try philodendrons. They grow without hardly any natural light. They come in lots of shades as well as variegated white/green. The vines grow readily and if you break one off, just stick it in water and it will root. Another easy, almost foolproof plant is the wandering jew plant, which has shades of purple in it.make up
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