Some years they seem to grow great, other years not so much. I%26#039;m not sure why. It might be because of the lack of bees when they don%26#039;t grow, I don%26#039;t know. I saved the seeds that will appear as brown pods in the Fall. Open the pod and the seed is inside. Save them in a cool place as they have to experience %26#039;cold%26#039; in order to grow the next year. They seemed to grow OK the first year I saved the seeds, but not the next year. Have fun, they are such a pretty flower and a pleasant reward for getting up a little earlier before you go to work just to look at them!
Reply:They take about 120 days from seed to bloom
Reply:I seeded mine in March into seed flats, when they were large enough, I transplanted them into 1 gallon pots. They are between 12-24%26quot; in height now and I started getting flowers about 2 weeks ago. I%26#039;m in N. California. So, it took about 8 weeks from seed to flower.hairstyles hair style
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