Reply:you can try pepper spraying your plants. that sometimes works.
Reply:coyote urine sprayed around the plants or perimiter of your yard will deter alot of animals - you can buy it thru - or maybe even find it in a local nursery store.
another option is a rabbit fence around your plants.
a cat or dog will keep them away as well.
Reply:The moth balls really do work. Watch the cayenne pepper spray though, if breezy when applying can get on you and/or pets etc. The marigolds also work really well if you want more planting work next year. They are nicer to look at and certainly smell better. Good Luck
Reply:Put a plastic owl by your roses.
Reply:I started with 21 tomato plants this year and ended the summer with 4 because the critters were snacking on the garden. My neighbor, Bill, has a whole bunch of geese in his garden. He is about 87 years old and had a heart attac last year. Bill worked all spring planting 14 rows of corn and the damned geese peeled back the shuck and ate the fresh corn right off the cob leaving it on the stock. Tonite he had about 40 geese in his garden. Not much you can do or he can do. Its just a nature thing. I guess you could get a bebe gun.
Reply:Sprinkle either moth balls or human hair clippings around the base of your plants/flowers. Both work like a charm.
Reply:Sprinkle moth balls around the plants. If that doesn%26#039;t work try blood meal and or wolf or coyote or lynx scent. All natural enemies of rabbits. Each time it rains you would need to reapply the scents and blood meal. You can get blood meal at a gerden store. The scents should be available where trappers get there supplies. Be carefuk handling the scents they smekk really bad. Blood meal os also good for your plants. It is high in nitrogen. Excuse the typos.books authors
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